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S3 into S4 Course Choice Presentation
Click below for all subject information. Please note that some subjects may be for S5 or S6 only.
Art and Design
Nat 3,4 and 5 Art and Design
Business Education
National 4/5 Administration & IT
National 4/5 Business Management
NPA Business and IT
Computing Science
National 4/5 Computing
NPA in Web Design
Digital Media
National 4 English
National 5 English
National 4/5 Media
Home Economics
National 4/5 Practical Cookery
National 4/5 Health and Food Technology
National 4 Hospitality
Early Learning and Childcare
N4/5 Application of Maths
National 4 Maths
National 5 Maths
Modern Languages
National 4/5 French
National 4/5 Spanish
National 4/5 Gaelic
National 4/5 Gaidhlig
National 4 Gaelic
Music & Drama
National 4/5 Music
National 4/5 Music Technology
National 5 Drama
NPA Acting and Performance
Physical Education
National 5 Physical Education
National 5 Dance
NPA Exercise and Fitness
NPA Sport and Fitness
National 4/5 Sport and Recreation
Passport to Sport
Uniformed and Emergency Services
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS)
National 5 RMPS
National 5 Philosophy
Applied Science Skills
National 4 Biology
National 5 Biology
National 4 Chemistry
National 5 Chemistry
National 4 Physics
National 5 Physics
Social Subjects
National 4/5 Geography
National 4/5 History
National 4/5 Modern Studies
National 4/5 Environmental Science
Travel and Tourism
Support for Learning
Additional Support for Learning
National 4/5 Graphic Communication
National 4/5 Design and Manufacture
National 4/5 Practical Woodwork
National 4/5 Engineering Science
Interested in a college course? Here is what to do next:
Speak to your Guidance teacher.
Make sure you select it on your course choice form in the correct column. Also choose a school back-up option in the event the course does not run
All applications for college courses must be completed online.
If you are planning on continuing a college course from S3 to S4 you have to apply again online.
After submitting your application form you will be invited to an interview by the college staff.
Important information to consider:
College course may run at different times or columns from the school timetable, this means that you may miss some classes in the week.
You have to make your own way to and from college, which can make you late for the class after lunch.
You will be given a catch up period on your timetable, where you do self-study and are responsible for catching up on any work you miss from being at college.
To find out more about courses click one of the links below:
School-Link Courses at Perth College.
Foundation Apprenticeship Courses at Perth College.
School College Partnership Presentation
Skills Development Scotland
Are you a Christmas Leaver?
If you are in S4 and turning 16 before 30 September 2023, you can leave school after 31 May 2023. However, if your 16th birthday falls between 1 October 2023 and last day of February 2024 you are a winter leaver. Winter leavers cannot leave school until the start of the 2023 Christmas holidays.
If you are a winter leaver you can choose to stay on at school for S5 or you can consider a full time college course instead. If you fall into this category, you should discuss the options open to you with your Guidance Teacher.
All S4s who are planning to leave school at the end of S4, either in the summer or the winter should have an appointment with your Careers Adviser to discuss options.