General Information for S5/6
What options are open to me at the end of FOURTH YEAR?
– Attend Perth Academy for fifth year to acquire additional qualifications.
– Attend Further Education College. Locally the main college is Perth College. Details about college can be found on the college page of this site.
– Leave school and obtain a job. If you want to leave school and find a full-time job you are free to do so, providing you are old enough.
There are two school leaving dates each year:
What options are open to me at the end of FIFTH YEAR?
– Return to Perth Academy for a sixth year.
– Leave school and enter Higher Education in a University or College.
– Leave school and attend a Further Education College.
– Take time out of studying and plan a gap year.
– Leave school and obtain a job.
What options are open to me at the end of SIXTH YEAR?
NPA and Highers, what you need to know?
The school and college are running many National Progression Awards (NPAs) at level 5 and 6. These courses offer a broader range of subject areas for you to choose in your course choice decisions and can be more career and industry related., helping better prepare you for the world of world. NPAs are assessed on a Pass or Fail basis unlike Higher qualifications. If you are planning on applying for University courses, please check the University entry requirements regarding NPAs. More information regarding NPAs can be found using this SQA link: NQGA – National Certificates (NCs) and National Progression Awards (NPAs) – SQA and also the SCQF framework explains the correlation between all qualifications About the Framework | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (
S4 into S5 Course Personalisation Options 2024-25
– Please use the link to the left to access the 2024-25 course choice options for S4’s going into S5.
S5 into S6 Course Personalisation Options 2024-25
– Please use the link to the left to access the 2024-25 course choice options for S5’s going into S6.
S4 into S5 Course Choice Presentation
S5 into S6 Course Choice Presentation
Click below for all subject information.
Art and Design
National 5 Art and Design
Higher Art and Design
Adv Higher Art & Design
Business Education
National 4/5 Administration & IT
Higher Administration & IT
Young Enterprise S5/S6
National 4/5 Business Management
Higher Business Management
NPA Business and IT
Computing Science
National 4/5 Computing
Higher Computing Science
Adv Higher Computing
NPA in Web Design
Digital Media
National 4 English
National 5 English
National 4/5 Media
Higher English
Adv Higher English
Home Economics
National 5 Creative Cake Craft
S5-6 National 5 and Higher Health and Food Technology
Adv Higher Health and Food Technology
National 5 Early Learning and Childcare
N4/5 Application of Maths
National 4 Maths
National 5 Maths
Higher Maths
Advanced Higher Maths
Advanced Higher Statistics
Modern Languages
National 4/5 French
National 4/5 Spanish
National 4/5 Gaelic
Higher French
Higher Spanish
National 4/5 Gaidhlig
National 4 Gaelic
Adv Higher French
Adv Higher Spanish
Higher Gaidhlig
Higher Gaelic
Music and Drama
National 4/5 Music
Higher Music
Adv Higher Music
National 4/5 Music Technology
Higher Music Technology
National 5 Drama
NPA Acting and Performance
Higher Drama
Adv Higher Drama
Physical Education
National 5 Physical Education
Higher Physical Education
Adv Higher Physical Education
National 5 Dance
NPA in exercise and fitness leadership
NPA Sport and Fitness
National 4/5 Sport and Recreation
Passport to Sport
Uniformed and Emergency Services
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS)
National 5 RMPS
Higher RMPS
National 5 Philosophy
Adv Higher RMPS
Applied Science Skills
National 4 Biology
National 5 Biology
Higher Biology
Adv Higher Biology
National 4 Chemistry
National 5 Chemistry
Higher Chemistry
Adv Higher Chemistry
National 4 Physics
National 5 Physics
Higher Physics
Adv Higher Physics
Social Subjects
National 4/5 Geography
Higher Geography
Adv Higher Geography
National 4/5 History
Higher History
Adv Higher History
National 4/5 Modern Studies
Higher Modern Studies
Adv Higher Modern Studies
National 4/5 Environmental Science
Higher Environmental Science
Higher Physics Higher Politics
Travel and Tourism
Support for Learning
Additional Support for Learning
National 5 Graphic Communication
Higher Graphic Communication
National 5 Engineering Science
Higher Engineering Science
Creative Thinking
Interested in a college course? Here is what to do next:
Speak to your Guidance teacher.
Make sure you select it on your course choice form in the correct column. Also choose a school back-up option in the event the course does not run
All applications for college courses must be completed online.
If you are planning on continuing a college course from S3 to S4 you have to apply again online.
After submitting your application form you will be invited to an interview by the college staff.
Important information to consider:
College course may run at different times or columns from the school timetable, this means that you may miss some classes in the week.
You have to make your own way to and from college, which can make you late for the class after lunch.
You will be given a catch up period on your timetable, where you do self-study and are responsible for catching up on any work you miss from being at college.
To find out more about courses click one of the links below:
School-Link Courses at Perth College.
Foundation Apprenticeship Courses at Perth College.
School College Partnership Presentation
Skills Development Scotland
What funding support may be available to me?
Perth Academy War Memorial Bursary: This bursary, of £100 a year for up to four years, is awarded, if funds are available, to a pupil going on to university. Application to be made in writing to the Rector.
Perth Academy Endeavour Trust: This fund can award grants to pupils taking a “year out” on a demanding project overseas which requires funding. A letter to the Rector is required, applying for a grant.
Educational Maintenance Allowance: Anyone staying on at school after the leaving age 16 can apply for this, the level of award depends on family income. Application form and further details are available from the school. Further information can be obtained through the EMA website
What is YASS?
Our Young Applicants in Schools Scheme (YASS) gives S6 students in Scotland the unique opportunity to study a range of university level courses in school alongside their other studies.
YASS is designed to bridge the gap between school and university, college or employment and helps motivated students stand out from the crowd. It encourages independent learning and builds confidence. Key skills like time management and accessing electronic resources are developed.
Registration for YASS modules is organised through the school, although students deal directly with The OU when it comes to their course work and assessment.
8,800 young people from almost 300 schools have taken Open University modules through YASS.
How to apply for a YASS course while studying at Perth Academy.
1. Speak to your Guidance teacher first
2.Contact the YASS team about an applications using the link here
3.Applications are all online
What is Perth City Campus?
Together with Perth and Kinross Education Service we believe that partnership working benefits all of our young people. For the past few years Perth College and the four city schools have been working closely together to plan learning opportunities across the city. We have agreed that certain courses will be offered in different schools across the city, increasing opportunities for all S6 pupils (with some being available to S5 in special circumstances). We are currently arranging our timetables so that pupils can join theses courses without missing lessons in other subjects. In addition, individual travel plans for every pupil attending a course outside of his or her own school will be put in place to ensure that learning opportunities elsewhere can be accessed as easily as possible.